Eye lift without surgery? You need the Madonna lift

Eye lift without surgery? You need the Madonna lift

  • April 25, 2021

Well beauties, these days we need a bit of good news don’t we? Well we’ve got great news! All it takes is one hour to look younger with a non-invasive procedure.

If you’re just done with looking tired, done with the sad wrinkles around your eyes and you just want to refresh your whole outlook on life without surgery, then you need the Madonna eye lift.

Dr. Costi has been offering it at the clinic for many years, but we think that now is the right time to talk about it 👀


What is it?

The Madonna lift is a non-surgical treatment to get rid of loose skin and wrinkles around the eyes. It is named after the pop star Madonna who has managed to stay wide-eyed and youthful without any surgery! It can give men and women a younger look by rejuvenating the skin around the eyes including the eyelids.

Unlike conventional procedures (Blepharoplasty), it does not require any surgery or incisions, and of course it doesn’t cost as much. Dr. Costi will use a fractional laser to safely tighten and lift the skin around the eyes to create a more youthful appearance.


How does it work? 🌟

The Madonna Eye Lift is performed to minimize crow’s feet, wrinkles, hollows under the eyes, and even saggy upper and lower lids. The treatment is ideal for patients suffering from mild to moderate wrinkles and sagging of the skin around the eyes.

With many of the benefits of a surgical eyelift without the same down time or risks, it requires no anesthesia, simply the application of a numbing cream several minutes before the treatment begins.

After the procedure, as your body continues to heal and create new strong collagen in your lids and eyes, you will continue to see improvement for up to six months.


How is the procedure done?

The advanced CO2 laser uses beams of light to destroy old collagen within the wrinkles. As a result, the body’s natural healing process creates new collagen in the skin plumping and tightening the wrinkles around the eyes.

The entire procedure takes less than an hour. It is performed under local anesthesia and requires three to five days of downtime.

On average three sessions are required to get the desired result. These treatments have to be spaced out around three months apart, in order to give the skin time to heal. But the good thing is no matter how long it takes to get the desired result, clients are very pleased with the end result which you need to maintain with a good skin care regimen and daily sun protection.


How long is the recovery?

Immediately after the Laser Treatment, the skin will be red, swollen and irritated for several days. Icing the area frequently will make the recovery much easier.

On the second day post-procedure the skin will start to peel and the healing process begins. New collagen and elastin will build and the results will actually look better over time.

Is it recommended for everyone?

In general, everyone is a candidate for the Madonna eye lift. During your consultation, Dr. Costi will determine the exact procedure and treatment that your skin requires, in combination with fillers or Botox.

So what do you think? One hour to look younger with a non-invasive procedure? Yes please book my appointment now.



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