Dr. Costi’s Tips for dark circles

Dr. Costi’s Tips for dark circles

  • April 16, 2018

The presence of dark circles under our eyes is something undesirable because it makes us always look tired, affects the uniform color of our skin and simply ruins how our face looks like. Still there are so many people out there that have these circles. Why do they appear? And is there anything that can be done to get rid of them? We shall look closer into this matter that might interest a high number of people, getting to understand how these circles appear and what we can do to diminish their presence on our face.

The most frequent cause of dark circles is indeed the lack of sleep, so if you know that you’ve been a good night rest, for days in a row, you may want to start with this. Stress, insufficient rest, going to bed late at night and waking up early, will all contribute to the appearance of black circles under the eyes. But, if you already tried sleeping sufficient and trying to get the rest you need, and the circles are still there, then the cause is other than not getting sleep. First of all, if you have family members that have black circles under their eyes, you should know that this problem is hereditary and can be transmitted through genes. So most likely this is the way you got the circles as well. But, they can also be caused by allergies, if you know that you suffer from one. If not, it may be useful for you to do some allergy tests to see if there might be anything that triggers such a reaction. Skin issues can also be a cause, like atopic dermatitis or contact dermatitis, and also prolonged sun exposure, loss of collagen in the skin, and skin thinning. As well, if you have the bad habit or rubbing or scratching your eyes often, it can lead to black circles in time.
Getting rid of the dark circles is not as easy as it seems. Here are some tips on how to make your dark circles look better.

1- If you have dark circles secondary to pigmentation, in this case the best option is to do light professional peels at a dermatologists’ office. The other option is Fractional CO2 laser treatment. Creams would help but results vary among patients.

2- If you have a small hole under the eyes, in this case fillers would make dark circles look better. You have to consult a dermatologist to perform this procedure.

For more skin care tips, you can follow me on Snapchat. Username: Dr.costi

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