7 celebrity anti-aging secrets

7 celebrity anti-aging secrets

  • November 29, 2020

We are always fascinated by celebrities and baffled by their looks, because are they even real with their forever-youthful faces? While aging is a natural part of life, they must have some crazy hacks to look the way they do! Or do they?
After some digging into celebrity lifestyles, they are apparently more human than we thought. However, they just put a lot of time and care into their beauty and anti-aging routine.
So while we’re at home with time on our hands, why not have a look at some celebrity secrets (not so secret) that got their skin glowing and their beauty ageless.

1. Splash: on cleaning your skin
Jennifer Aniston, Diane Lane, Julia Ormond
If there is a secret to a glowing face that doesn’t age, it’s skin resurfacing. Keeping your skin clean means you are always stimulating new collagen and gently erasing fine lines. And you have many options that range from exfoliating at home, to needling, to a microdermabrasion treatment.
One thing our friend Jennifer Aniston swears by is light therapy. This non-invasive treatment tightens your skin and refreshes it with no downtime.

2. Smooth: with lots of moisturizer
Sarah Jessica Parker, Chrissy Tiegen, Angelina Jolie
Skin becomes dryer as we get older. So the best defense against aging is a good offense with a great moisturizing regimen to keep your skin protected and hydrated. Cream, face oil and retinol are layered for extra moisture! (check our blog about layering your products.)
And don’t forget that if you don’t have time to hydrate in the morning, you must make time at night.

3. Sleep and Superfoods
Penelope Cruz, Helen Mirren, Naomi Campbell
While you should eat everything in moderation, the only thing you can overindulge in is sleep. According to these beauties who have access to everything they could want, they keep a healthy diet (wholefoods and organic) and go to bed early: it makes them glow from the inside out. It seems the old adage is still correct, health is wealth!

4. Sweat
Iman, Jennifer Lopez, Cameron Diaz
If looking good is your priority, then working out every day must also be according to these fit beauties. Sweating not only clears out your pores and enhances your blood circulation (clearing out your skin), but endorphins actually enhance your mood so you’ll be happier.
Yoga, dancing, weights, whatever your fitness level your skin will thank you for moving.

5. Start early
Halle Berry, Sandra Bullock
The secret to having and keeping a plump face is to start taking care of it early on, as early as your twenties. Even if you won’t see any difference at that young age, it’s when you get older that your skin care will pay off. Confused as to what to do? Then turn to professional help and don’t waste your time trying to figure it out on your own!

6. SPF
Jessica Alba, Nicole Kidman, Julianne Moore
Invest in your skin because you have to wear it all your life! And how can you protect your investment? By wearing sunscreen.
Like Jessica Alba says “You must protect your face, because it’s all you’ve got”. And who else famously says it? Dr. Costi, of course.

7. Smoking: Don’t
Cindy Crawford, Gwyneth Paltrow
The biggest secret is that there is no secret! According to the supermodel, you have to do what’s expected of you and what’s logical, like not smoking. Now on the other hand, Gwyneth who has a very healthy lifestyle, admits to having 1 cigarette a week. What do you think of that?

Secret or no secret, we’re all going to age so be confident in your looks! It is a lot of work to look ageless but you can do it gracefully no matter what age you are. Don’t overthink it and when in doubt, ask for help from our favorite dermatologist Dr. Costi.

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