5 ways to stop losing collagen

5 ways to stop losing collagen

  • February 18, 2024

Beauties, did you know that our skin is made of 80% collagen? And why it’s so important is because collagen= healthy skin. As we get older, the collagen starts to degrade by 1% every year starting around the age of 25 to 30 and it can increase to 2% as we get older.

We asked Dr. Costi to give us his tips on what we can start doing today to increase the collagen in our skin.

Here are 5 ways to stop losing collagen as we age, and to boost your collagen naturally.

1. Increase the amount of protein in your diet

Collagen is a protein present in the tissue, skin, bones and cartilage of animals. So in order to create collagen in your skin, your body needs to process a sufficient amount of protein rich foods like healthy meats and fish. It’s also present in plant-based foods like beans and nuts as well as soy if you’re a vegetarian.

2. Microneedling

A favourite among the treatments offered at Dr. Costi’s clinic, microneedling is a minimally invasive skin procedure that creates micro-punctures in the skin using miniature, sterilized needles.

This super effective treatment is a great way to create control trauma to your skin, stimulating your collagen to get thicker. It is especially effective on the face and the neck.

3. Use a Retinoid

Using a retinoid can be in its 2 different forms which are retinol or tretinoin (check our blog on the difference between the two). Retinol comes in over-the-counter products whereas tretinoin is a prescription-based stronger product. Studies have found that if you apply retinol or tretinoin to your skin it can help thicken the collagen with time.

“I strongly recommend you to use a retinol moisturizer, especially for the area under the eyes or to fight the drooping of the neck. So if you’re noticing that your skin is getting thinner or wrinkling easier, also on your hands, then start using a retinol, or ask your dermatologist if tretinoin can help you” advises Dr. Costi.

Find the right product for your skin on Skin Perfection.

4. Reduce sugar in your diet

A controversial discussion for sure, but hear us out! Sugar is harmful because of a process called glycation. Sugar can actually bind to the collagen molecules and tare them, causing premature aging and thinning of the skin. Sugar also causes inflammation in the body!! So reducing the amount of sugar you eat can help you greatly in boosting the amount of collagen in your skin.

5. Take a collagen supplement

This has been studied for many years and it’s been proved that taking a collagen supplement can definitely benefit your skin. Collagen drinks and supplements often contain collagen from many different sources, such as fish, cattle,  or chicken. Typically, they contain peptides, which are short chains of amino acids that help make up essential proteins in the body, including collagen itself.

What you want to get is a hydrolysed peptide collagen supplement which means it’s broken down into amino-acids that you can better absorb. This is really worth it over time, and it’s highly recommended to help not only your skin but also your joints, nails and hair, and overall health!


Let’s go team glowing skin! Make sure to stay young and beautiful with collagen!






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