2023 beauty trends that need to stop

2023 beauty trends that need to stop

  • January 5, 2024

Happy 2024 beauties!

As we embark on a new year, let’s take a moment to reflect on the beauty trends that emerged in 2023. Dr. Costi, our trusted expert in facial rejuvenation, is here to guide us through the trends that we should maybe leave behind.

As Dr. Costi explains, the pursuit of a youthful appearance is not without its pitfalls. While every cosmetic procedure may have its merits, it’s crucial to consider the long-term impact on individual results. Altering the natural shape of your face is a significant decision, as it essentially changes your identity. Dr. Costi emphasizes the importance of aiming for a better version of yourself through rejuvenation rather than attempting to become someone else.

Identifying Risks: The Impact of Trendy Procedures

Changing the natural course of aging is an art, and like any art form, it requires precision and moderation. Let’s delve into some trends that, according to Dr. Costi, may have overstayed their welcome.

Buccal Fat Removal

Botched buccal fat removal

Buccal fat removal, a trend revived from the 70s, has been making the rounds among models and actresses. While facial fat loss is a natural part of aging, this procedure isn’t always the answer. Dr. Costi recommends caution, especially for those in their 20s and 30s, as the reshaping can have lasting effects on the face’s natural contours.

Dermal Fillers Overkill

Overfilled pillow face

The idea of using dermal fillers to maintain a youthful appearance has led to unintended consequences. Excessive use can result in unnatural and unflattering facial shapes. Dr. Costi’s tip: precision matters. Carefully consider the placement of fillers to avoid the dreaded “pillow face syndrome” and maintain the natural symmetry of your face.

Snail Mucin

The allure of natural products is undeniable, but what about snail mucin? While it’s a hydrating ingredient, its rejuvenating properties lack any scientific backing. Dr. Costi suggests being discerning about such trends, emphasizing the importance of evidence-based skincare.

Complicated Skincare

It’s amazing that we have so many products with a variety of ingredients that help smooth the skin, brighten it and get rid of wrinkles. The problem is that no one has time to keep doing a 10-step routine, from exfoliating to toning to retinol to niacinamide to lipids to peptides etc. So you end up not being consistent and you don’t see results. And then? You’ve just wasted all your money on expensive products which you think don’t work.

What actually works to improve and tighten the skin: a few active ingredients. Cleanser, Vitamin C and a good anti-aging cream to illuminate the skin. And here, consistency is crucial! To help your skin you need to increase collagen production and reduce pigmentation production, so you need to keep doing this month after month so at the end your skin looks better. It’s the stuff you do every day that’s going to have an impact on your skin.

Embracing Aging

Beauties, aging is a natural process, and there’s nothing wrong with embracing it. Dr. Costi encourages you to accept your unique journey. If, however, you wish to enhance your appearance, book a consultation with Dr. Costi for personalized advice aligned with your goals.

Here’s to a year of informed beauty choices and embracing the best version of ourselves!

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