Treatments to get rid of dark circles

Treatments to get rid of dark circles

  • September 14, 2023

Beauties, we all know that the easiest way to get perfect skin is called the Patch Tool and you find it in the Facetune App 🙂 Well, that might be quick alright BUT it’s not a realistic solution to hide blemishes. And if you’re anything like us, working hard, staying up late or even staring at a screen for never ending hours then you need a solution for your under eye circles NOW instead of hiding behind your giant sunglasses.

Do we have one? You bet. We asked Dr. Costi for the best under eye treatments to get bright eyes all year long. And the best thing is, they are all available at Dr. Costi House of Beauty.

What causes dark circles under the eyes?

First up, let’s talk about hyperpigmentation. It’s like your skin’s way of saying, “I’ve had enough!” Factors like sun exposure, smoking, and restless nights can trigger it. Plus, if you’re from Asian or African backgrounds, your genes might play a part too.  Then there’s allergy and congestion. They mess with your circulation around the eyes, making veins go all big and dark. As Dr. Costi explains, when veins dilate, they show their true colors – and it’s not pretty!

Aging is also a factor in this. As we grow older (and oh so wiser), we naturally lose some fat and collagen under the eyes. This leads to a sunken look and thinner skin, making those circles stand out even more.

Now, finally let’s blame our screens. Hours of scrolling, typing, and binge-watching can strain our eyes and guess what? Blood vessels around the eyes get bigger, casting those dark shadows.

How to know your own case?

Dr. Costi’s tip: to figure out what’s causing your circles, try the pinch test. Pinch your skin and lift it gently. If it stays brown, you’re dealing with pigmentation. If it lightens up, then dilated veins might be the problem.

Which treatments can reduce dark circles?

Chemical peel

If you’re dealing with eye bags caused by hyperpigmentation, consider the benefits of a chemical peel. Chemical peels are frequently employed to solve various facial pigmentation issues, such as melasma and age spots. As Dr. Costi explains, it’s important to avoid deep peels in the eye area, as they carry the risk of scarring and exacerbating pigmentation problems. However, a series of light peels can gradually improve the situation. Commonly used peels include those containing lactic, mandelic and glycolic acids.

Laser treatment

Laser treatments that specifically target pigment, such as the QS-Ruby, QS-Alexandrite, 1064 Nd:YAG, and Fraxel lasers, are suitable for addressing concerns in the eye area. However, it’s important to note that the eye is sensitive to laser exposure, so please be careful and only entrust these procedures to a professional. Achieving the desired results typically involves undergoing several treatment sessions.


Microneedling, a minimally invasive skin procedure, involves the use of small needles to create tiny punctures in the skin. These punctures stimulate the skin cells to initiate the repair process, leading to a reduction in the appearance of dark circles. According to Dr. Costi, Microneedling can often complement chemical peels by enhancing their penetration and effectiveness. Following the procedure, some redness and swelling are expected, especially given the thinness of the skin around the eyes.

Tear trough filler

In the cases where skincare and makeup won’t do the trick, there are filler injectable available to address the visibility of dark circles. Often, these dark circles result from a loss of volume in the face, causing the orbital bone of the eye socket to become more prominent and creating a shallow tear trough. To counter this, filler treatments come into play. As explained by Dr. Costi, tear trough filler is a well-established and popular non-surgical option for improving the appearance of lower eyelid dark circles. This treatment involves injecting hyaluronic acid fillers, such as Restylane or Juvederm, into the tear trough area. The purpose is to replenish volume, lifting the skin away from the underlying blood vessels. Additionally, Dr. Costi suggests considering Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), another type of injectable treatment that can help reduce the appearance of dark circles, also available at Dr. Costi House of Beauty.


Remember beauties, it’s all about understanding your skin’s secret language with a little help from the professionals. Beautiful skin is within your reach at Dr. Costi House of Beauty!


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